- analog-digital computer
- комбинированная аналогово-цифровая ЭВМ
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
digital computer — Computer Com*put er (k[o^]m*p[=u]t [ e]r), n. 1. One who computes. 2. (Computers) an electronic device for performing calculations automatically. It consists of a clock to provide voltage pulses to synchronize the operations of the devices within … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
digital computer — ☆ digital computer n. a computer for processing data represented by discrete, localized physical signals, as the presence or absence of an electric current: the most commonly used kind of computer: cf. ANALOG COMPUTER … English World dictionary
analog/digital — analog/digital, grundsätzlich verschiedene Denk oder Betrachtungsweisen. Analogen Abläufen liegen stetige Größen zugrunde, die keine sprunghaften Veränderungen erfahren. Digitale Abläufe beruhen hingegen auf diskreten (das heißt nicht stetig… … Universal-Lexikon
digital computer — a computer that processes information in digital form. Cf. analog computer. [1940 45] * * * Computer capable of solving problems by processing information expressed in discrete form. By manipulating combinations of binary digits (see binary code) … Universalium
Analog-Digital-Wandler — Ana|log Di|gi|tal Wand|ler 〈m. 3; kurz: AD Wandler〉 elektronisches Gerät zur Umwandlung einer kontinuierlich veränderbaren Gleichspannung in eine digitale Form zur direkten Weiterverarbeitung z. B. in Digitalrechnern; Ggs Digital Analog Wandler * … Universal-Lexikon
digital computer — noun a computer that represents information by numerical (binary) digits • Hypernyms: ↑computer, ↑computing machine, ↑computing device, ↑data processor, ↑electronic computer, ↑information processing system … Useful english dictionary
digital computer — dig′ital comput′er n. cmp a computer that processes information in digital form Compare analog computer • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
digital computer — noun Date: 1947 a computer that operates with numbers expressed directly as digits compare analog computer, hybrid computer … New Collegiate Dictionary
digital computer — noun A computing device (computer) that processes signals that change in discrete, quantized, steps; as opposed to an analog computer … Wiktionary
digital computer — /dɪdʒətl kəmˈpjutə/ (say dijuhtl kuhm pyoohtuh) noun a type of computer in which data is entered as discrete units of information, usually as numbers, characters, etc., represented by on off states of voltages. Compare analog computer …
Digital rights management — (DRM) is a term for access control technologies that are used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to limit the use of digital content and devices. The term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses … Wikipedia